How Many Goldbacks were made in 2019 & 2020?

Every year we produce more Goldbacks than the last, with the new production facility coming out this summer we thought that we’d publish some missing data on 2019 and 2020 in terms of total production. By weight the 50 denomination is the most popular with the 1 and 25 being about tied.

Chart of Goldbacks created in 2019 and 2020

When we made the first Goldbacks in 2019 we didn’t know what the market demand would be, we quickly learned that we went too heavy on the 5s. Only about 2,600 of the fifty denomination exist from the Utah 2019 series. They have already become somewhat of a collector’s item.

Chart of Nevada Goldbacks created in 2020

If you add the Nevada numbers to the Utah numbers for 2020, you can see just how big the jump in production really was. When COVID hit in 2020 Goldbacks everywhere became sold-out for a while.

Chart of New Hampshire Goldbacks created in 2020

The New Hampshire series wasn’t technically released until 2021, but they were printed in the winter of 2020. This means that some of the New Hampshire Goldbacks got the 2020 date. Of this series, fewer than 1,000 of the fifty denomination exist with many set aside for special promotional sets. We suspect that the 2020 New Hampshire fifty will be the most difficult to obtain Goldback long-term.


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