Over $100,000,000 worth of goldbacks have been made.

In 2019 Goldbacks were new and adoption was slow. By the end of the year only about 500,000 Goldbacks had been created and even fewer were sold. It was unclear whether or not the Goldback would stick long-term.

As of the end of 2023 over $100,000,000 worth of Goldbacks have been placed in the economy! Now that we are in March we are seeing that number go even higher as gold prices surge and Goldback continues record adoption.

If Goldback adoption continues to grow at the current pace then it might not take more than a few more years to hit a billion dollars worth of Goldbacks! Of course, if inflation is never checked then we could all be billionaires one day. Maybe someday Goldbacks will change all of that.

Goldback Inc.

Goldback’s access to other websites.


David Morgan Interviews CEO of Goldback Jeremy Cordon


GoldATM CEO interview