The New Hampshire Business Network is Published!

Goldback Inc. is proud to announce the newly published “Featured New Hampshire Business Network!” This year we sent a team to the State of New Hampshire to sign up businesses that would not only like to accept Goldbacks, but would also like the whole world to know it. They also attended PorcFest and took quite a bit of footage of Goldbacks in action. There are currently about fifty businesses in the State of New Hampshire that are part of the Featured Network and we expect this number to grow over time.

Goldback is committed to building and expanding the featured business program in every State with a Goldback series. In order to achieve this growth we’ve hired on several new members of the team to travel to these States. We are also looking for volunteers that would like to promote the active use of sound money in their own communities.

It is important to remember that Goldbacks can be spent with a 25% to 50% success rate at any cash accepting small business when talking to the business owner. We recommend using one of our Goldback wallets so that you will have them ready to go for when the opportunity to use sound money arises. Many business owners even offer discounts for payment in Gold.


The 5th Goldback State will be... South Dakota! (and other news)


New Black Goldback Wallets are out!