Goldback® News
On all things Goldback!
The 5th Goldback State will be... South Dakota! (and other news)
South Dakota was chosen as the fifth State to have their own Goldback! It was initially announced in Rapid City, South Dakota at the Freedomfest convention . . .
The New Hampshire Business Network is Published!
Goldback Inc. is proud to announce the newly published “Featured New Hampshire Business Network!” This year we sent a team to the State of New Hampshire to . . .
New Black Goldback Wallets are out!
Goldback wallets were originally developed in tandem with the first launch of the Goldback in 2019. We’ve now launched the new black wallet with . . .
New Goldback Lease Infographic
Protect Goldback Inc.’s independence from debt while putting your gold to work! This infographic was just completed . . .
How Many Goldbacks were made in 2019 & 2020?
Every year we produce more Goldbacks than the last, with the new production facility coming out this summer, we thought that we’d publish some . . .
Goldback Newsletter
Want the Goldback newsroom to come to you? We send something our via email every once in awhile, usually once a month . . .
More Goldback Videos and Articles are Coming
Perhaps the greatest challenge with the Goldback is that it hasn’t been possible to make enough of them to meet demand. This issue was exemplified by . . .
Goldback Will Be Attending FreedomFest this July!
FreedomFest is an annual, world class conference that attracts influencers and politicians within the Liberty movement. Goldbacks were initially introduced for sale at the . . .
Three New Goldback States in 2021?
It is looking likely at this point that every State could have a unique Goldback series before 2030. We already announced Wyoming as #4. We are anticipating announcing at least . . .
The Goldback Art Gallery is now live!
As we continue to add new Goldbacks to the family we have felt the need to display them in one place in an orderly way. As of today you can see our new Goldback Art Gallery is online . . .
Goldback Stickers Are In!
From what we can tell, most Goldback growth is happening at the grassroots level. Folks are actually buying vast quantities of Goldbacks to circulate in their communities. Some people have expressed . . .
What Is A Goldback Worth Anyway?
What is a Goldback worth? This question had been haunting me and the rest of the Goldback team for months. The price we had posted on our own website was . . .
The New Hampshire Series is out! Wyoming is next!
The New Hampshire series is now available for sale at most retailers! The demand for Goldbacks has been so high that it has been difficult to save up enough of this series to do a respectable launch. We have every reason to believe that . . .
New Hampshire Release will be in March!
Goldback is proud to announce the release date for the new series. New Hampshire Goldbacks will be available for sale through most retailers beginning on March 3rd of 2021. We originally intended . . .
Goldbacks in Every State?
We’ve just finished putting together a program that we believe could get a new Goldback series in every State in just a few years! Production capacity is going to be many times faster in 2021 with several new . . .
What Does the Silver Price Surge Mean For the Goldback?
When the Goldback was new in 2019 the reception was mixed. While some people saw the vision and hopped on the train immediately, there were quite a few people in the precious metals community that were skeptical . . .
End of Year Updates
Goldback has truly had a blockbuster year this year! Goldbacks are being sold about as fast as they can be produced at this point. The problem was so bad that we had to pull all of our paid advertising just so that Goldback inventory wouldn’t be . . .
Goldback Made the Local News!
ALPINE — A new local currency is gaining traction in the age of COVID-19. As we jump into the holiday shopping season a growing number of small businesses across the state now accept what are called . . .
New ‘Featured Utah Businesses’ Section!
For nearly a year we have featured various businesses in Utah that are willing to accept Goldbacks as payment at their businesses. The Goldback became popular so quickly that the effort to actually sign up businesses . . .
Nevada Reveal and Other Nevada News
The Nevada Goldback has been officially released! It is now available for sale at most places that offer Goldbacks on our Guide to Getting Goldbacks page. Silverdragons on YouTube did an excellent video highlighting some of the symbolism found on the series . . .